Wednesday, January 14, 2009

BusinEss ProPosaL~

I had a presentation at my tuition today, Oxford English Language Center (OLC). I was extremely NERVOUS. Seriously... ears got hot..and wat i hate the shook whenever i get nervous..Haih...hate this.@elyasswhutt

I wish there will be someone that can tell me the cure for this.. The presentation was about Business Proposal. How to set up a business and in the presentation, we have to convince the board directors of Donald Tam ( I supposed it was originated from Donald Trump~ ^^) to get loan from them~ Well, my team did a beauty center named Caprisha of Intelista. In the beauty center we combined together cafe, hair saloon, boutique and spa. Surprisingly the judges love our presentation and we were "HIRED". Thanks to my group members Azreen and espcially to Afiqah. She has a very amazing vocabulary n she speaks English very well. She got 12A1 for trial SPM. And very friendly person.Owh.. how much I ENVY her!! @elyasshutt
Next activity at OLC is Court Mooting~ Ahh~~ It's going to be FUN~
Kalau dapat case pembunuhan kan syok~ Huhuhu~
P/S Congratulation to Mr. Ray who is going to be married next week~


-aja- said...

i know a way to cure ur problem~inject ubat epilepsy~bia nyetok skali~huhuh~

xeraxiah said...

Mr.Ray nok nikoh dohh..?
ermm..xpo..i love Mr.Jammy more.
nok masuk OLC gak!