Friday, October 30, 2009

OMG!!! I should have stop eating when i got angry!
yes...i eat too much when i pissed off

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I can deal with being a magnae in a certain place

but not when everybody is treating me like i'm a bunch of stupid kids

when they seems stupider than me

Stop ordering me around just because i'm a magnae!!

P/S: I know my words are harsh..but what can i do... i just don't feel like i wanna be a nice girl today..
P/S 2: Stop messing with me cause i can't stop you guys from messing with me!

Monday, October 26, 2009


i really REALLY want to make my presentation the best..

I guess not...

next time..


P/S: internet connection sucks!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

wat da..

where's my previous post?

I think i already submitted..


Presentations for "Kidney and The Structure of Cell" and " Kidney Environmental Pollution" were both......good..

just good..

.thank you.

P/S : This cyber cafe is soooo damn dirty! They should have clean these garbage (let's call it garbage cause rubbish seems too small) up. Even the customer should not throw something like this place is theirs!
P/S 2: We should not talk bad things bout other country, right? Ok then. I WON'T!