Monday, July 1, 2013

.home at last?.

June, 20th 2013. I finished my last paper of final exam. I would have been better if i could stay there one or two days in Mansoura. But my sis insisted to go back Malaysia immediately on the same day. My OSCE examination was quite fun. Hahaha. If i ever told this to anyone they might exophthalmosly stared at me and making faces. Nobody like exams. Well, i WAS nervous before the exam~ Hopefully, i did well.

Malaysia at last! i wasn't that excited to go back actually. don't know why. maybe i was too attached to Egypt? Not really. *sigh*  I rode the same plane as this "person". There wasn't a time i didn't think of this "person" even we're at the same place. For 13 hours. Why this sadness overwhelmed me everytime? I sounded pathetic. I should move on.


For no reason.

Next time.

We meet again.


Let it free. I will.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

.May is ending. imma happy girl?.

Exactly month later (minus 2 days) i'm going back to Malaysia!! wuhuu! i'm excited because of fooooooodss actually. For the record, i always gain 3 to 5 kilos whenever i'm in Malaysia for my summer break. Well, it happened only after Raya. i was crazily watching over my weight during Ramadhan. Nasi pon secipuuut je makan. but frankly, i can't eat much during break-fasting cause i might vomit during terawikh.  Waah.. rindunya Ramadhan! >.<

May is ending in a week and i'm not dat happy. i have tons of revisions to do for my final. I have approximately 3weeks to cover everything in these rounds which are Surgery, Internal Medicine and UroNephro. Well well, wish me luck. No.. please pray for me. A lot better.

P/S: Will be going back this 20th June exactly after i finish my OSCE exam. isogashi isogashi!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Spring is here!!~ But it feels like summer. Panas bahang semua ade. The thing about this spring-summer thingy, everybody wasn't in a good mood. Especially today. I, in other way, was in a VERY good mood. No nice or good things happen. Just by listening music while walking to class (jam tepat kol 9 baru kua rumah. lewat but still like to walk rather than taking a cab) can lifted up my mood. Well, of course it was hot and sunny and i was sweating like pig crazy. Thing was, even i was in a normal-almost-intoxicating-good mood, i got scolded multiple of time today. *sigh*

Finished the first lecture, a friend of mine told me she wanted to go back home because she was very stressed out that she cried in the lecture hall for no reason. I was like, ade jugak orang macam ni kat dunia ni. I thought it can only happen in drama. Poor her. Really. And she got my permission to go home.

For people who were close with me, they knew that i liked to annoy em with my jokes. So, sometimes they just let it go or counterattacked. But this friend, she was like, "HABIS KO NAK GADUH NGAN AKU LA?!!" SOOO LOUD that the whole class silenced, so was i. heard bebudak laki at the back asked among themselves who made her mad. and they whispered, "sarah..sarah".What have i done? i myself didn't remember. hahahahah. She told me it wasn't my fault that she raised her voice and cried after. She had something uncomfortable in her mind. It exploded when i annoyed her. of course my heart sank when she was mad, but that's that. nothing after.

At Abuya Hasanah Restaurant, we were talking bout how this weather made everybody's mad. Every person have their own stories. They all should do some exercise i guess. cause exercise can released those negative thoughts from our body. That's y people who's on diet by eating less without exercise is the person that u shouldn't touch or even poke. the outcome is somewhat scary. memang aku tujukan untuk seseorang pon. So lift up ur ass and shake ur booty people!

p/s: been looking at uro-nephro end round pictures. i photobombed almost all the pictures.
p/ss: my housemates told me that something's wrong with my ear. they called me deaf.

the only pic i have with flowers. credit to shikin rambli~
My face is covered though~ XD

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

.weight gain.





Day 1: Israr's housewarming
Day 2: Extended Israr's housewarming
Day 3: Cairo Food Trip
Day 4: MTS Party

P/S: Heart-broken week 2.
P/SS: Happiness Coming Soon.

Friday, April 26, 2013


housemate's updating her blog. so i was thinking to do the same thing too while waiting for the oven to be heated up~ am making the simplest cheese cake in the world. macam tak jadi jek. took 15 minutes only. it's kinda weird cause it costed me 1hour to bake cheese cake before. well2. imma put its photo in here after it is baked. my housemate finished her puding jagung though.

the tittle is out of topic i must say. i'm not here to write about my housemates. they are nice bunch of people though they did getting on my nerves sometimes. well, i did that too to them. equals up everything~ XD.

Photos! Coming Up!!

No photo.. the cake look like shit

Saturday, April 20, 2013

.definitely need a change.

i dun feel really well tonight. mungkin sebab perubahan cuaca yg dah banyak kali berubah? it was sunny yesterday but it got darker (felt like Malaysia's weather). Alternating between sunny and cloudy. I usually can get through this without getting sick but i've been sneezing multiple of time today plus stuffy nose and sore throat. Went for a jog just now and it was hella cold. Memang la tak macam winter but still.. it's freaking summer already. Lalat is freaking everywhere!

Exam is coming..but i dun see me studying. smart enough? wuuuuuu...need to organize my life properly. Everything just seem so messy. my room food intake..unwashed who to blame?


Nah kek! Ni zaman rajin masak ni. Skarang memang tak ah.
Dengan pokainye. siap belobang poket.

P/S: Nothing is impossible. YOU can make it possible.
P/SS: wahai kamooo yg boncit! lupakan kisah lame. stat yg baru la baaii. that thing overshadowing u. tak kesa ah ko stat camano pon. caro apo skali pon. just let em go lorh. well, those things never happened to me and i'll never know how it feels but as a friend (yes! as a fren! even we're not close) i have this tiny idea in my mind that i must help u. i dunno where this tiny thingy came from though. bukan ko baca pon blog aku. sbb tu la kot aku tulis kat sini. spiritually and virtually helping u. tang mane spiritnye ak taktau. i still want u to b happy with whoeva, whateva, and wherever. ur choice~ *big smile*

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Subuh prayer in Egypt is getting earlier. *yawn* Means that i have to stay up or else i may gonna miss it. UNINTENTIONALLY. it's 3.17AM right now and i yawned countless of time while finishing some of my works. *yawn*

April is a busy month for me i guess. i hardly can find time for me to study. time for myself. well..i may look like i'm lying but the truth is, i did had some time free but *yawn* i filled it with Subway Surfers, facebook, twitter n stuff. i do quite regret of throwing my precious time for those 'lagha' thingy but wat can i do. i got home, tired. need some refreshment = games and etc. study was definitely a no no. guilty. *yawn* guilty to my parents and mostly to myself really. Everytime. If i were to say i need something to boost up my motivation, that is actually me. i'm the one who need to catalyst myself. there wont any other thing can do it. the first step toward success is when u make a decision and u commit. without this step, u stuck at the same place forever.

Hmm.. everything will subside next two days. insyaAllah. i will have more free time by then. this surgery round is quite scary. have to start working on it slowly. round exam is just around the corner. n i heard internal medicine round is much scarier due to its enormous information. may Allah eases everything. Night.

p/s: might or might not be updating this blog depends on my sleepiness during my stay up. those yawning on this post are 100% true. i'm not making em up.

This would be one of my fav time of all. Volleyball.
Picture taken during Mansoura Open Volleyball Tournament 2012. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


i don't write much but if i did, it will be hella long. i know it's been awhile since i posted something in this blog. i was thinking of deleting it but it took sometime for me to think that i do have some memories here that i would like to keep for the rest of my life (maybe?).

2009, one or two months just after my SPM, i started this blog from scratch. For fun? well, it is not fun. A medium to channel my feeling of happiness, sadness, furious and etc. i guess nothing much happen in my life that i seldom update this thing. Not to tell the whole world how i feel or what i am doing right now, (we got facebook and twitter for that, aye?) nor to boast bout something that i have. i just thought it would be nice to have a blog and read em through when u got nothing to do. yeah i did that sometimes..i ain't no freak. diary is not my thang really. i had one and i don't know where it goes. no secrets to keep. i left it open all day long.

so, what makes me write today? any interesting things happen? well well. not really. quite frustrated of several news i heard today. but that's that. i must keep my mind positive. never had this kind of experience before. Allah made me went through this for reasons. And i did. though it hurts so much, it's a phase. A phase to make me stronger after. and i will. of course i will. i think it is a test for me of how much i think of Him when a small matter like this happened. i struggled. to Him we came and to Him we shall return.

A pounding heart,
Racing to nowhere,
Temperature rises,
And nobody cares.

Allah cares.
He always do.
and we always forget that.

From the Cliff of Moher, Galway, Ireland
.Winter Break '13.
I don't know how the picture turned out colorless though i din adjust the setting of my phone.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

.Winter Break 2013.

Ireland, Scotland and United Kingdom! 

18 days

Awesome countries! Polite citizens!

So many things i did, so many things i ate!

So many that i am too lazy to write them all!



Tuesday, January 1, 2013


A warm welcome from me dear 2013.
this new year's eve was da best! played volleyball for fun with others while wearing jeans and jacket. peerghh. da lama tak spike sedap-sedap sampai vibrate tgn sdiri! hoho!rugi sape2 tak gi tadi~ sibuk stadi kunun~ hahah! i don't know why do i have to be this passionate in volleyball but not in study. slowly, akan diubah perangai ini. Well now, to reminisce back my 2012's memories are sure a lot. mostly are in my previous post i guess. okay..not mostly but some of them. *terkejut bunyi bunga api* yeah..yeah..happy new year..bleergh..

1) Another 10kg to loose!
2) Mumtaz Sem 7 and Sem 8!
3) UK, Ireland and Scotland winter trip!
4) Improve in playing piano!
5) 1st place in Volleyball Tournament
6) More activities in kitchen
7) Earn money during summer break!
8) RM1 per day (2LE/day)
9) Attachment
10) Jepun weeyh!

I fall asleep for a moment just now. tatau nak letak resolution ape. well here it is! let us hope for the best in 2013!!!