Saturday, April 20, 2013

.definitely need a change.

i dun feel really well tonight. mungkin sebab perubahan cuaca yg dah banyak kali berubah? it was sunny yesterday but it got darker (felt like Malaysia's weather). Alternating between sunny and cloudy. I usually can get through this without getting sick but i've been sneezing multiple of time today plus stuffy nose and sore throat. Went for a jog just now and it was hella cold. Memang la tak macam winter but still.. it's freaking summer already. Lalat is freaking everywhere!

Exam is coming..but i dun see me studying. smart enough? wuuuuuu...need to organize my life properly. Everything just seem so messy. my room food intake..unwashed who to blame?


Nah kek! Ni zaman rajin masak ni. Skarang memang tak ah.
Dengan pokainye. siap belobang poket.

P/S: Nothing is impossible. YOU can make it possible.
P/SS: wahai kamooo yg boncit! lupakan kisah lame. stat yg baru la baaii. that thing overshadowing u. tak kesa ah ko stat camano pon. caro apo skali pon. just let em go lorh. well, those things never happened to me and i'll never know how it feels but as a friend (yes! as a fren! even we're not close) i have this tiny idea in my mind that i must help u. i dunno where this tiny thingy came from though. bukan ko baca pon blog aku. sbb tu la kot aku tulis kat sini. spiritually and virtually helping u. tang mane spiritnye ak taktau. i still want u to b happy with whoeva, whateva, and wherever. ur choice~ *big smile*

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