Monday, April 18, 2011


you can't expect people will change according to your likeness.. they might change from good to bad and you have to deal with it..because you know they won't accept your advice since not all people can actually listen to it and bear it in mind so they won't repeat the same damn thing. They do it everyday without even realizing that what they did was an absolute wrong. No one try to tell them. Worrying that it will break their hearts and the bond is automatically broken. Something is going through their mind mingling bout the hatred and disgust. But they just keep it quiet..though it shows vividly on their face..and take the poor one for granted. Have they ever recite the word 'thanks'? Just an appreciation for the time that have been wasted to something unnecessary. And for the simplicity that the poor had given to them? Shame! Disgrace! They are not the only living thing in this world but they act like one. They think they know everything and boast bout it everywhere. Humble..modest are not in their vocabulary. They are the best of the best! Stupid people who will only believe it..

P/S: "they" doesn't meant plural and "the poor" doesn't mean singular

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