Thursday, September 2, 2010


even i have nothing to do these day, i didn't even bother to take a peek at my blog...poor you, are not my first choice to waste my time on..*sigh* here's the thing~ i was thinking of closing this blog...but then when i think it over wasnt a very good idea~


  • i need a place where i could pour all of my heart contents~ XD Since i'm a person that like to keep it than throw em all <-- (-_-") (tell me your secret, i won't tell anybody *evils laugh*)
  • i like to express my love to music~ (like which song i'm currently listening to)
  • blog is the place where i can swear criticize about something or someone~  (which i rarely do it) 
  • where i can share a piece of my life (yeah right)
  • tell you what i've been doing lately
  • share some thoughts bout.....err.....things
Well, the main reason why i wanted to close it is because nobody seems to visit my blog!~ WAHAHAHA~ So, i like publicity huh! XD Mainly my visitors are Malaysian~ Even the 'Live Traffic Feed' shows 'a visitor from Egypt' i know they are Malaysian cause they are all MY friends~ahah~ Well, don't care much bout it though~ XD but sometimes i got some unknown visitor like this:

Sunnyvale, California~ Hurmm...dun care much bout 'em too!! *evils laugh* Just kidding~ Welcome to my ultimate boring blog!~ *throws confetti* Am very sure those people drop by once in a lifetime~ hehe~

P/S: My Egyptian friend once asked me,
Him: Why do you like to put "~" almost in every sentence you wrote?
Me: No specific reason~ i just love "~"
Him: So, seems you like it soo much, i guess you put "~" in your examination too.
Me: -_-"....whatever~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*currently listening to The Trax - Oh My Goddess*


xeraxiah said... jgak ore gni. so u love publicity THAT much huh?
what are u doing lately that make u soo QUIET?huh.

sarah105 said... i dun like publicity~ EHeheheh~ i did seriously... i got absolutely nothing to me!!~ XD

xeraxiah said...

u shud enter kelas bhasa tau lam cuti nieh. kelas jpun blambak kat kelate nieh...hahaha^^ btw,heard that ZEA will be coming this Sunday? bes owh sapo2 hk buleh gi...haha^^

sarah105 said...

i can't la enter kelas bahasa..half of my holiday was at KL.. taun depey ah~ next year i'll make sure to stay at Kelantan as long as possible~ hohohoh~

it's on 3rd raya...i have open house on 3rd raya.. plus.. i only know Kwanghee and, it's not worth it~ XD

sarah105 said...

*sigh* bilo la nk jupo sep suju....

xeraxiah said...

like i know any of them...hahaha :P
lah..kalu dok kat KL bkan lagi BANYAK ko ado kelas bahasa? haha^^
xpolah wat u do. i know u miss hometown so much..KL included. :P

btw,kul bpo esk at ur house...?
kalu dey..i go there.^^

sarah105 said...

dun have transport la plop~ heheh~
and you didnt even come to my house...T_T