Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I used this thing on my ipod after the recommendation from my sis. It's kinda easy but ipod's keyboard is hard to type in.. I tend to make a lot of typo. Hehe~

Today is the first day of my study leave~ please pray for my success!! Yeah!!

During the last lecture.. I made this but got thrown away by my friend, Amal. She said it was useless thing to make... *sigh* after all the hardwork i took to make it....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod


-aja- said...

klakarnyo la amal~hahahha~

invictuscoramal said...

sarah, lupekan harapan palsu tuh. bukan mende tu selalu dlm cite yg klau watak utame die nak mati sbb kene sakit teruk cam..ehem...kanser dorg slalu wat origami 2 kn? ko saket teruk ke? gagagaga...alaa...kalau pakai colour paper comel2 boleh la gak ak simpan, nih...pakai kertas belang2 tu plak...hehe...lain kali bagi kat taha/mut, confirm dorg simpan..:P